viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010

.The evidence incriminating crime Lehman

An accounting trick called Repo 105 was providing oxygen to Lehman Brothers for make up the balance sheets and solvency continue appearing in markets . According to what the spectacular unfolding of Anton Valukas autopsy, the accounting tricks that allowed the Repo Code 105 years helped Lehman to inflate the results and hide the truth . The corresponding figure out now is how far participated in these illegal maneuvers Henry Paulson and Timothy Geithner, president of the New York Fed and Treasury Secretary United States, respectively, at the time.

The spectacular collapse of Lehman Brothers being investigated as an explosion or debris from the tracks of an accident. In this black box is required to find what went wrong for the financial system collapsed completely, for for almost three years after the first warning (June 2007) the world economy remains from grave to grave, with the compass lost and not found out yet and the highest unemployment rates in history : 230 million unemployed worldwide, and no possibility of real improvement in the short term. The unemployed may rise another 4 or 5 million in industrialized countries, and no way to reverse that trend, at least until effective demand necessary to generate the reactive impulses.

Hence the importance of specifying the reasons for the failure of Lehman, a task which has fallen to the investigator Anton Valukas, who has interviewed more than 100 strategic character, has reviewed 10 million documents and 20 million e-mails that have contributed key elements: Lehman accounting fraud carried out under the slogan Repo 105, are standing over a decade , and were intensified with time, as one becomes addicted to a drug.

And is that laxity and deregulation of the financial system would permit: and if it was within the law, why not? The Repo is quite daily accounting operations to ensure the purchase or sale of an asset at a specific future. That is, there is an intention, between two agents, an actual sale or purchase. The problem is when one of these agents is totally fictitious and the promise of purchase or sale never existed. By the Repo 105, Lehman out of balance sheet assets and liabilities worth 50,000 million. Expert makeup balances, banks also adquirierin high mathematical ability and precision of watchmaking. However, Lehman executives failed to realize that everything has its limit: fiction is choking on the conjecture, and nothing is but what is .

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